THE NextMarq TEAM, industrial property law firm in France
Your brands, your designs , your domain names , and other intangible creations constitute your identity and your visibility, but they are much more: a capital that must be protected and valued.
We consider that the management of your intangible heritage only makes sense if your creations are well defined, protected and that the investments related to their implementation and their development allow you to have the exclusive benefit of them . Good management and rationalization of your portfolio of intangible assets constitute major assets, compared to your competitors.
The notion of advice also appears essential in order to deal with disputes to which you may be exposed (actions in unfair competition or infringement).
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
NextMarq offers a range of solutions for the filing of brands internationally and in defense safely, your brands, designs, and other distinctive signs. It can also involve preliminary studies ( searches for identical or similar prior art), the definition of protection perimeters (choice of classes) and geographical areas (national, European or international geographical level). , that of conflict management (oppositions, legal actions) or the day before (field surveys, monitoring of registers).
NextMarq also involved in the protection of software and databases, copyright rights, literary and artistic property, negotiating and drafting contracts on intellectual property (franchising, licensing, transfer, ...) and for the evaluation of your titles (audits) and industrial property rights.
The patent for inventions , protection of know-how and technology transfer part is entrusted to our engineering partners.
At the heart of the company, Intellectual Property (IP) : Protecting, defending and exploiting intellectual property rights is an increasingly complex and now essential mission in a world where everything is accelerating and becoming dematerialized . By your side, NextMarq is a real expert in industrial property .
The satisfaction of all of our customers, whom we have supported since our creation, testifies to our ability to manage all of your rights while respecting your budgetary constraints.
Qui est Nextmarq en France ?Fondé en 2004, NextMarq est un cabinet juridique spécialisé dans le domaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle (PI), et plus spécifiquement en matière de droit des marques, dessins et modèles, droit d’auteur et noms de domaine. Nous mettons au service de notre clientèle une équipe de Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (CPI) et de juristes hautement qualifiés ainsi que notre réseau constitué de plus de 400 correspondants étrangers, de partenaires avocats spécialisés et ingénieurs brevets. Nos clients disposent d’interlocuteurs privilégiés pour gérer l’ensemble des titres de propriété industrielle à l’échelle nationale (INPI) et internationale (OMPI, EUIPO, USPTO etc.). Membre de la Compagnie Nationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (CNCPI), instituée par le Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle en vue de garantir les compétences professionnelles, l’indépendance et l’éthique des CPI, NextMarq est soumis au respect d’une stricte déontologie et au respect du secret professionnel. Notre ambition est de développer un véritable partenariat avec nos clients (personnes physiques ou morales) quels qu’ils soient : de l’entreprise régionale à la société multinationale en passant par l’entrepreneur individuel, l’artisan, la « start up » et la collectivité publique. Le dynamisme et la réactivité de notre équipe de CPI, juristes et de nos partenaires, nous permettent d’étudier en détail vos besoins et de vous apporter une solution globale et adaptée. Notre activité touchant des secteurs très variés, nous mettons au cœur de nos préoccupations, la défense, l’optimisation et la gestion de vos titres de PI, dans le cadre de vos métiers respectifs, afin de vous garantir un monopole d’exploitation le plus large possible.
Who is Nextmarq in France ?Since 2004, NextMarq has been developing its expertise in all areas of intellectual property rights, with particular emphasis on trademark, template and domain name rights. The skills of our team, made up highly qualified trademark & design attorneys and legal experts, and our network of more than 400 overseas agents, allow our clients to obtain and manage their intellectual property rights at a national and international level. As member of the French Patent & Trademark Attorneys Company (CNCPI) created by law to guarantee the professional competency, independence and ethics of patent an trademark attorneys, NextMarq follows a strict code of professional conduct. Dynamic and responsive, NextMarq is entirely at your disposal to provide a solution that fully meets your needs in the shortest time frame possible. From local companies to multinational organisations and from start-ups to public authorities, our clients are from all areas of business and their projects are our number one priority.
谁是法国的Nextmarq ?2004年起,Nextmarq 在知识产权法所有领域发展专业技能,尤其是在商标、外观设计及域名法律领域。 我们的团队由具备高级资质的工业产权顾问及法学家组成,我们的网络由超过400名外国通讯员构成,足以确保我们的客户在国内和国际上获得并管理其知识产权。 NextMarq是全国工业产权顾问协会(CNCPI,法律规定设立的协会,旨在确保工业产权顾问的专业技能、独立及道德)成员,必须遵守严格的职业道德。 作为充满活力和反应能力的机构,NextMarq敬候您差遣,以在最佳期限内为您的任何问题提供解决方案。 从地区企业到跨国公司,从“初创企业”到地方公共机构,我们的客户来自各行各业,其项目也包罗万象,但每个客户都是我们关注的核心。
1, rue Chabrier, 13100 Aix-en-Provence, France
E-mail : info@nextmarq.com
T : +33 (0)4 42 21 02 91
F : +33 (0)4 42 21 61 09